
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Programming Paradigms Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Programming Paradigms Comparison - Essay display caseC++ supports multiple inheritance of method implemen enlaceions from more than one superclass at a time. While it seems the like a very useful feature, adding it to the language turns out to introduce many complexities. (2006a)The program compiled by a c++ compiler, is platform dependent. This means, a source lodge in C++ when compiled is converted into obj charge up, which contains machine codes and lead calls for the built-in library functions. After this, the obj file is processed by the c++ linker utility, which patches the code of the library functions in order to resolve the library function calls and convert the obj file into exe file. More specifically this code patch is only for unregistered library functions, which are local to the C++ development environment. But when an external registered dll file is used in the source code, then the function calls in the obj file would not be unflinching in the exe file and thos e function calls would be dynamically resolved at runtime of the executable file.C++ supports templates that cater you, for example, to implement a Stack and then instantiate it as Stack or Stack to publish two separate types a stack of integers and a stack of floating point values. (2006a)C++ allows you to pin down operators that perform arbitrary operations on instances of your class. In effect, it allows extending the syntax of the language. This is a nifty feature, called operator overloading, tat makes for very elegant examples. (2006a)C++ has the ability to include preprocessor directive in the beginning of a program. (import file name from the library). deep brown possess the following characteristicsJava does not have any concept of pointers. The Java Runtime Environment by default reference the headings for the programmer. Java does not allow programmer to manipulate pointers or memory addresses of any kind and imposes certain restrictions in this respect (2006a)It do es not allow casting object or arraying references into integers or vice versa. It does not allow you to do pointer arithmetic.It does not allow you to consider the size in bytes of any primitive type or object.Some of the reasons arePointers are a source of bugs. Eliminating them simplifies the language and eliminates many potential bugs (2006a). Pointers and pointer arithmetic could be used to sidestep Javas run-time checks and certification mechanisms. Removing pointers allows Java to provide the security guarantees that it does (2006a). No Global Variables In Java, every field and method is declare within a class and forms part of that class. The fields and methods of a

Foundations of Communication Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foundations of Communication - Term Paper shellEpistemology aims to answer the following questions How is the concept of justification to be understood? What makes justified beliefs justifiable? Is justification, in similitude to ones own mind, internal or external? From the Copernican Revolution (1600) to the Revolution in Germ either (1848), there contribute been pockets of historical periods in our history that have turn to various issues regarding to the aspects related to epistemology that have been discussed by some of the most renowned scholars. They include Copernicus and Gallileo, Descartes and Bacon, de Spinoza and Hobbies Locke, Hume, Kent and Hege. Copernicus briny task was to carry proscribed investigations on how improvements in methods of constructing the calendar, and Galileo never rejecting knowledge from his predecessors, used this as backing for his further arguments. Galileos epistemology aimed to elucidate ethics from knowledge (e.g. of nature) i.e. Separa tion of science from the legitimate domain of the church. The main issues about knowledge and discourse involved the right of people to investigate questions which were capable of falsification in reasoning, while the religious leaders could confine themselves to determining what was necessary to go to heaven and avoid destructions of hell (Burke 77). Descartes and Bacon vehemently proposed the total lock up legacy of the supposed knowledge from the past. They argued or suggested that knowledge should start from the beginning in order to spend a penny an adequate knowledge of the world. The epistemological issues that scholars struggled with here were rationalism and empiricism. The main issues about communication and knowledge addressed were separation of subject and object i.e. this also necessitated the aspect of priority to be given to the subject or the object which can be classified as an act of knowledge (Burke 33). During Spinoza and Hobbies Lockes period, Spinoza (Desca rtes admirer in Europe) and Hobbes-Locke (Bacons pupil in England), addressed with the separation and differentiating of a subject and object which did not have any relation i.e. did not know each other. (Period referred to as being concerned with the dichotomy of dualism and monism). The main issues about communication and knowledge included the connection between nature and consciousness. The objective universe of discourse of the material world is not questioned neither is the validity of the impressions made by nature upon the senses deemed in any way problematic (Burke 45). In the Hume and the enlightenment period, the main aspects of conflict were between dogmatism and hesitancy. According to Hume, his skepticism is in some measure a reaction against the dogmatism of the mechanistic followers of Newton and in part an attempt to reconcile Berkelys clerical and reactionary subjective idealism with the requirements of everyday disembodied spirit with science. Hume is the foun der of Utilitarianism in ethics. He further declares that the satisfaction of human needs is the sole criterion of righteousity. The main issues about communication and knowledge is the fact that how can it be proved that the industrialist who produces the most is the most moral person of all. During this historical period, Kant tended towards empiricism (Was greatly influenced by scepticism of David Hume). In his philosophy, he attempts to establish a system of concepts and categories in order for the resolving of struggles

Monday, April 29, 2019

Conversation between men and women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conversation between hands and women - Essay ExampleThis is because men and women do not interpret things the same way. They react differently during communications. This in turn creates a lot of conflicts and mis take inings. The question that arises is as to whether men do not listen to women as they claim or is it that women do not understand men and how they participate during conversations. It is as to whether people can understand and appreciate each other notwithstanding of their gender differences and and so walk out of conversations feeling listened to and well understood.In this essay, my main focus allow for be on the reasons why men and women communicate the way they do and what can be through so that there may be effective communication across the gender divide. It will be argued out that the way we talk is largely influenced by the kind of value that are instilled in us especially o by our parents and the society we live in and not necessarily the way we consume or want to.We need to understand each other when we are communicating in disposition to avoid instances where conflicts arise due to miscommunications. We needlessly blame others or ourselves------ or the relationship (Tannen pg. 17) instead of identifying the gender differences that we have among us and evidence to understand and accommodate them.Boys and girls essentially are instilled with different sets of cultural values hence it seems that when men and women converse it is like people from two different cultures conversing. Obviously, there will be conflicts due to cultural differences. (Tannen pg. 18) shows that because boys and girls grow up in what are essentially different cultures...talk between women and men is that of cross-cultural communication .The fact that the society teaches males and females differently makes them relate differently to one another hence the need to understand each other. Men naturally strive to seek for competition in their conversation so that they are not seen to be losers. They need to show that they are competent and therefore the top hat in every issue that arises in a conversation. That is why they always give details pull down on what they have not been asked. The society has taught them to strive to be always dominating and never to front like they are being controlled. She calls this kind of conversation from men as report talk. Women on the other hand tend to communicate with the intention of obtaining acceptance in a relationship so that they get the feeling that they belong. According to women, talk is the glue that binds or holds relationships together (Tannen pg.85), thus women try to suffer that they are supportive to men by listening keenly so as to establish a good relationship with the men. According to Tannen, women see the world as a network of connections that need to be supported and accepted. They struggle to maintain closeness and hence enhance relationships. She calls this rapport talk. Anothe r trouble that occurs on conversations between men and women is consultation. Most women will complain that men do not try to ask about something before they endeavor to undertake it even when they do not have familiarity about it. Tannen gives an example of how women try to consult the hubby before inviting someone to their home. This is to ensure that her relationship with the husband remains good. On the contrary, men choose to bring a visitor home without consulting the wife if they disposition the visitor will

Sunday, April 28, 2019

English Law Position of the Hijab on Muslim Customary Laws Essay

English Law Position of the Hijab on Muslim Customary Laws - Essay ExampleHijab comes from the Arabic word Hajaba, which miserlys to hide or conceal from view. Generally, it refers to modest overdressing for Islamic women. It is extended to mean privacy and modesty. Hijab is not just a piece of cloth on the head, but rather it is a way of life. Hijab requires much more than just covering the head. Hijab is the way you carry yourself, the way you talk, the way you walk. Hijab as a matter of fact is a whole way of life and hence an attitude in itself. For those who are non-Muslims, Hijab is mostly associated with a modest way of clothing that is worn by Muslim women. It is in addition called the headscarf and it is one of the most noticeable things of Muslim women. Hijab is a duty that is expected from all Muslims. Some Muslims nail the concept of Hijab as being consistent and balanced with ideas of gender equality others view the apparitional destiny on female covering as patria rchal, chauvinistic, and oppressive and an enforcement of women against their objurgates (Bahi, 2008).The wearing of Hijab impacts on so many military man rights issues both philosophical and practical and has much currency given recent events. The issue of Islamic dress is linked with immigration issues. The reasons given for prohibition vary but in most cases legal bans on face covering clothing are undertaken as an anti terrorist act measure and is justified on security grounds. However there is public controversy which indicates the possibility of polarization between western European societies and the Muslims. In the year two thousand and six, the then British Prime Minister Mr. Tony Blair described it as a mark of separation (Werner, 2011). Terrorism is the criminal enactment or acts expected or ascertained to incite a state of fear in the overall population. Its an aggregation of persons or limited persons for political purposes and such gestures are in any circumstances outlandish whatever the contemplations of a political, philosophical, ideological, ethnic, racial, religious or other nature that may be conjured to support them. In virtually every inlet of the world we can say that the human cost of terrorism has been felt. Terrorism has a very fill and real impact on human rights. Its consequences are very devastating in regards to liberty, physical honor of victims and enjoyment of the right to life. Terrorism has the ability to undermine gracious society, threaten social and economic development, endanger peace and security and destabilize governments. An individuals security is a basic human right and thus the protection of the individuals is considered a fundamental obligation of the government (Macmillan, 2010). States therefore are obligated to remain human rights of their citizens and others by taking positive measures to keep them safe from terrorists and their threats and bring such perpetrators to justice. Lately yet the measures to counter terrorist acts have by states have been challenging to the rule of law and human rights .The bedrock of rubbish terrorism should be the respect for the rule of law and human rights. The development of national counter terrorism strategies whose aim is to prevent the acts of terror, prosecute the perpetrators and offer protection of human rights and the rule of law is a major(ip) requirement. This implies measures to address the drivers to motivation of terrorism. Terrorism threatens the security and dignity of human beings everywhere, takes innocent lives, endangers lives, and creates an environment that destroys the freedom since the battalion are in fear. Through acts of terror, fundamental freedom is jeopardized and there is destruction of human rights. It undermines the pluralistic civil society, affects the rule of law and its establishment and it has the ability to destabilize governments that are legitimately constituted. Research shows that terrorism has connec t with organized crime that is transnational, drug

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Select a research topic of your interest and explain relevance of the Assignment

Select a research topic of your interest and explain relevance of the selected topic. Clearly define how it allow benefit the ind - Assignment ExampleThis shows that many people in the twenty-first century argon appreciating the rapid development in engineering. Therefore, it is an admissible fact that many people that are involved in economic activities overhear access to engineering science, which connects people across the globe (Khosrow-Pour, 200623). This creates a scenario where businesses stimulate to use technology to improve on their services. As such, they will keep changing their approach to technology. galore(postnominal) people study taken the initiative of taking statistics on how technology is used in the world. These statistics read been influential in ensuring other businesses are not left behind when it comes to technology. Many businesses have been benchmarking proficient advancement that is used by other businesses to ensure they are on the verge of makin g sure-fire impact in the market place. The statistics show that the developed countries in the world have appreciated the use of technology to greater senior high school. Developed countries have massive resources that have been used to improve their indulgence in technology. In most instances, the developing countries invest heavily in companies and firms that are allied to manufacturing technology. As such, they will have an advantage in accessing the technology that is manufactured. Similarly, developed countries have an upper hand in that they manufacture technology in bulk. This gives such countries the advantage of large scale production. As such, the technology will be retailed at lower prices. In the same line, developed countries were on the frontline in researching on the internet usage and its advantages. As such, they were on the frontline in implementing the use of technology in most parts of the economy. These countries go to greater heights in ensuring all business es are interconnected to each other. This creates a scenario where businesses are in healthy controversy in the market. This leads to high quality products offeringed in the market. Internet users in the developed countries are advanced in that most of the population has access to internet services. The service providers are well established in the market and offer top notch services (Bailey, 201110). When the internet service providers are well established in the market, they will offer their services at subsidized prices. This is done to attract a larger submit for their services. Since the internet services are retailed at acceptable and affordable prices. As such, most of the population will feel the need to use the internet services in most of their working. The developing countries have followed the cause of savouring internet use and federation. The developing countries have taken the internet issue seriously and have gone to greater heights in ensuring most of the popul ation are accessible to the internet. Most of the companies that offer the service in the developed countries have taken the initiative of investing in the developing countries. As such, they also give the developing countries priority in service delivery. Apparently, the developing countries have been influential in ensuring the internet development and use is on constant growth. Therefore, the number of people that use the internet has been change magnitude through the years. Virtually most of the businesses in developing countries have appreciated the need for internet connection and use, as it enhances their businesses. On the other hand,

Friday, April 26, 2019

How far does Hobbes view of human nature provide a secure basis for Essay

How removed does Hobbes view of human nature provide a secure basis for psychology today - test ExampleThe civil war in England and the execution of the King himself was an exceptional event in side of meat history. The failed puritan experiment to establish a republican rule was another event that Hobbes witnessed. He seems to grant been deeply influenced by the conflicts around him. Many of his reactions in his writings spring from subjective reaction to the outside(a) events, which made him crave for order in a state of flux. The civil societies are to be constructed artifici onlyy, accompaniment the social life in the hands of mans staple fiber instinct will expiry in disorder and would imperil the very survival of man.What ought to be the politically correct human channelise is explained by Hobbes by analyzing human nature. According to him there is a natural impulse in all men to amass what they can get. This impulse found in all men inevitably leads to conflict. In th is state every one is at war with every one else and nobodys sanctuary is possible. This results in not satisfying any bodys interests. Man is able to circumvent this role by giving up the natural right take whatever they can grab and be getting in return for the assurance of insulation from the aggression of their fellow men. This is possible by perpetuating a strong force. Citizens do this by agreeing to hand over their rights and powers to one absolute authority. This voluntary surrender of ones powers in the hand of another power results in the rule by an absolute power. In brief the basic instincts in man meant for his survival can be in conflict with his survival so Hobbes finds the convey for regulating it by surrendering the power of people to another superior power. As James has put itHobbes intellect his account of this aspect of our passions on a broader notion which he calls power, identifying the powers of the body as nutritive, generative, and motive, and that of t he mind as knowledge. Beyond these, however, are

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Six feet project 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Six feet project 2 - Assignment ExampleThe disputes arnt explained as indication that they could be minor. She only highlights natural urban calamities such as noise and insecurity, as the possible reasons of the immigration we sop up no burglar bars, no guns (1320). By the virtue that Nadine does not mention any permit requirements for this migration, the whites are represented as having a bit of freedom.The blacks are the victims of oppression and are highly maltreated. Petrus family is displayed as slackly poor, he works in a farm, his brother the illegal immigrant is unemployed and his father feels best(p) cancelled by inheriting an old suit. Moreover, unlike the whites, they ought to acquire a permit to move, regardless of the reason behind. The antecedent uses the white farmers humility to her workers to portray the authoritys callousness. Lerice, takes care of his workers children (1320), she presses her husband to act Petrus despite having illegally accommodated his br other (1324) hence making him look stupid in the eyes of the soldiers. The induction does not show any fairness, since Petrus, lost his money, does not his body back but at least his father gets a white mans suit portraying some equality.Apartheid is a wild system that puts blacks in an oppressed position, both the kind whites and the blacks are aware of this but the authority has to respect the system to protect the minority whites.Charter, the narrator is no different from other whites, thinking that he has better management but views the blacks as poor and non-human. He despises their effort and unity to retrieve their brothers dead body upon receiving the 20 contribution he says I took it in irritation, useless capitulate by people so poorEffects of racism killed Petrus brother. After death, the Apartheid system does not read with the family. His body is buried without family involvement and later the authorities play fraud take the

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Analysis paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis newsprint - Article ExampleHe arguably concludes that western standards are being used in Arab programs. He believes that the show created by Saudi Arabians who emulated western ideals and wanted to convince the society that Islamic discourse is small over western discourse.Kraidy says that he used critical discourse and institutional research analysis which indicates that his reply was negotiated. He came up with a conclusion based on the interviews and polling data that which reflected the thoughts of the citizens. He also interviews the elect in the society and compares it to the opinions of the public that indicates that his thoughts are purely negotiated (Kraidy 347). This negotiated response increases the trustworthiness of his study and conclusions. He does non consider all Islamic practices and hence his response is dominant. His major consideration is gender mixing, and he does not give any attention to Islamic cultures (Kraidy 346). Although most of his conclu sions are based on research, he insists on his personal idea that women sovereignty should be valued, and hence his research is dominant and at the same clock time

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Motivation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Motivation - Assignment ExampleFred Mertz is an undergraduate student of computer sciences, having no interest in this field. He only opted for this field to attain a effective credit line and allowance at the end of the day. Else than that, his interest in computer sciences was nothing more than a way to define big money. On hearing about the decreased demand of computer scientists in the market, his motivational level has decreased to an alarming rate and he has become a below average student in the class.Freds prime goal is to graduate and get a good job. He could have through with(p) this by opting for a field in which he has interest and tempts him. One cant be motivated towards a task unless it gives him satisfaction and intrigues him. The way/path Fred chose to fulfill his goal is inappropriate and that is why he is de-motivated towards his work and isnt initiating his work related behavior. Further, according to goal setting theory, goals need to be vigorous defined, ch allenging yet achievable. In the case of Fred, his goal is quite vague and he exactly flew with the wind to achieve his goal and opted for computer sciences without realizing this very fact that he has no interest in this field and the consequences would be alarming at the end.According to Vrooms VIE Theory bulk will be motivated because they perceive that their effort and performance will lead to a coveted outcome. Work motivation is very much dependent upon the perceived association between performance and outcome. Individuals do change their behavior after they predict the outcome (Isaac, Zerbe and Pitt 213). Below is an illustration of expectancy theoryFred lacks two instrumentality and valence to become a computer science graduate and afterwards, get a good job. After knowing about the declining demand of computer scientists, his expectancy to get a good job has declined a lot. As his expectancy to get the desired reward and outcome is lacking, he is de-motivated to perform well

Monday, April 22, 2019

Quiz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Quiz - Essay ExampleThe Third Reichs objective, according to Hitler in 1940, was to transform the entirety of Western Europe by radically transforming it into the Nazi master racethe living space of the Nazi Master Race. READ http//www.dac.neu.edu/holocaust/Hitlers_Plans.htm16 When he first became chancellor of Germany in the early 1930s, Hitler declared Christianity was the foundation of German society. He spent the rest of his life promoting interior(a) Socialism which was hostile towards religion, he eroded the rights of all churches, persecuted the Jewish people, gradually began to suppress the rights of evangelical Christians and Catholics final stage denominational and youth organizations, prohibiting denominational schools, and widely defaming and imprisoning clergy of the Christian church who refused to be silent about the impartiality.20 Hitler solved the Jewish question with the Final Solution, not only in Germany, but across Western Europe. He makes this statement as i f he were speaking from a table in a country that is not at war, which is not taking over other countries, with plans to take over evening more. Every country occupied by the Third Reich, saw imprisonment, repression and extermination of the Jewish citizens who lived there. In a speech in 1939 he said, Workers of all classes and of all nations, recognize your common foe The common enemy was the Jewish race. READhttp//www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/hitjew.html24 The context of this statement was in relation to research remain free of any state restrictions. In that context I agree with the statement. Taken out of context, truth can be evil especially in relation to Hitlers views that his was the only truth when it came to the forwarding of National Socialism and the eradication of the Jewish people.26 I find this surprising given the event that Hitler hated America and all things American. In one conversation he ridiculed Americas trustfulness on

Is it Necessary to Conduct a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Essay

Is it Necessary to Conduct a Failure Mode and personal effects Analysis in Health Cargon - Essay ExampleFMEA was first used by the united States Army in the 1940s and later on adopted by large industrial concerns which lifelessness maintain formal FMEA standards. With the advances in information technology and softwargon it has assumed great significance and is a very accurate approach to streamline the functioning of an organization or process.The FMEA involves a dynamic methodological analysis in which changes and updates are made to the concerned product or process visualizing any new chastisement modes brought about by events or changes in the organization, product or process.The process itself involves defined steps in a sequential manner in which initially the product or process and its function are described. This is followed by the preparation of a block diagram which shows the different components of the process or product in a logical relationship. After this an FMEA for m worksheet is prepared and vital aspects put under specific headings. dianoetic listing is done followed by identifying failure modes. Effects of the failure modes are described and a quantitative ranking obtained for the severity of a particular effect. Causes for failure modes are then identified and documented. Appropriate interventions are then planned by assigning risk priority keeping into consideration the probability of detection. eventually recommended actions are suggested and actions take analyzed.The risks involved in healthcare organizations are of such diversity and so unforeseeable that it becomes impossible to enumerate them beforehand. Still FMEA is finding increasing use in the healthcare industry. In localize to improve patient safety appropriate changes are required in health care systems. In the health care version of FMEA the assessments of severity, likelihood, and detectibility are accomplished by employing a decision flowchart kind of of a ranked poin ts scale. The flowchart determines if action is required or if existing

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Issues in Global Businesses and Consultancies Essay

Issues in worldwide Businesses and Consultancies - Essay ExampleThe underlying transactions assume respective(a) forms and as such, they relate to each other. Those commercees that undertake trade involving imports and exports as well as those that undertake foreign position investment are referred to as primary ball-shaped businesses (Hill 2008). Usually, foreign direct investments businesses exist in various forms, that is subsidiaries, which are owned wholly and joint ventures. Other forms of orbicular businesses and consultancies include licensing, contract management and franchising global businesses. Just as the definition holds out, the key tenet associated with global businesses is satisfaction. A global business is fair(a) like any other local business since the basic principles of a business apply. The difference comes from the practical application of thaw global business, its complexity as well as the intensity. These aspects vary substantially (Hill 2008). For a global business to feed across several borders, an organization ought to ensure that it adheres to international standards and laws and as such, the organization moldiness incorporate them into their planning process and decision making. However, global businesses and consultancies do experience challenges arising out of the environmental factors. Since these businesses persist across national borders, there are some constraints and some frequent conflicts that are brought about by the different laws, societies as well as cultures (Hill 2008). A good example of a global business and consultancy is GlaxoSmithKline, a British multinational business dealing with pharmaceuticals, vaccines, biologics as well as consumer healthcare. Thesis disputation With reference to GlaxoSmithKline Company, this paper will critically analyze the issues facing global businesses and consultancies and... Global businesses, particularly those direct within the pharmaceutical industry such as GlaxoSmith Kline Company do experience both inner issues as well as issues within the industry. Global businesses and consultancies do experience challenges arising out of the environmental factors. Since these businesses operate across national borders, there are some constraints and some frequent conflicts that are brought about by the different laws, societies as well as cultures. Such issues include new consumers in emerging markets, substitution to more specialized products and services, salaries and wages of the employees of the global business, growth of the pertinent power, limited number of blockbusters and smaller budgets, ever-changing relationships with health care practitioners, the digital World, nature of conversations as well as issues associate with inflation. A Global business, regardless of the industry it operates within, must establish ways to contain issues as if left to the surface, a attach to may end fatally. They may seem insignificant but according to the recent re search studies, it has been fix that indeed they have adverse effects.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Financial Constraints and Impact Analysis Term Paper

Financial Constraints and come to Analysis - Term Paper ExampleAfter all, there are characteristics of a successful propose that will determine whether the project is successful or not. The triple constraints are as listed below ground/quality of a project is a clear statement of what is intended to be achieved in a particular project. It defines the functions, features and information satiate that will be included in the project at hand. It overly defines the desired final result of the project. Resource cost/ resources are also one of the triple content of a project constraint. Resources cost money and the two descriptions are interchangeable in a outcome of ship canal. The cost of a project involves what needs to be applied or assigned to the project such as money and effort in order to make things happen (Kendrick, 2009). This includes resources such as manpower, or material requirements for the job, resources for risk management and evaluation of any other resources that facilitate the success of the project. The other constraint is the time constraint. This involves analyzing the time required for completion of each component of the project. After carrying out this analysis, the components are humiliated down to find the time for completion of each task. This allows for determination of the duration of the project as wholesome as the quantity of resources needed to be dedicated to particular projects. This article tries to explain some of the ways in which these constraints can be managed for successful completion of the project. Methods for managing various constraints During control of a project constraint, it should be understood that it is only possible to define two constraints and the third will be determined by the other two. It is also advisable to determine which of the three is the controlling constraint as intumesce as the one that needs to be changed (Dobson, 2004). For instance, if scope is the least important, determine the method s for achieving the most for the client while using the least amount of resources, reduce priority on resources and suggest solutions for the problem being addressed. Look for alternatives for the projects. In case of resource constraint, look at cross-training staff or recruiting new people as well as outsourcing. In case of schedule constraint, it is recommended to use a schedule float. Also, analyze the schedule for tasks that lick 1. Use of spread sheet to mange constraints The triple constraints can be utilized in projects by change magnitude the chances of prioritizing. Despite the projects being constrained, not all constraints are equal between projects. For instance, project A whitethorn have a specific time that is critical for the completion of the project (Kendrick, 2009). However, the budget for project A could have some flexibility. Project B on the other hand may require original resources alone the deadline is within the time frame for project completion. Using spreadsheet to manage project constraints, three canonical mixed bags are used when prioritizing constraints i.e. Inflexible, Adaptable, and May concede. Inflexible means that this is the most essential project and has to be constrained for the successful completion of the project. Adaptable means the project is negotiable but should be optimized to a certain extent. May concede means that it is an area where trade offs is possible to distribute place in order to manage the inflexible constraint or optimize the adaptable one. Constraints/classification Inflexible Adaptable May concede Time

Friday, April 19, 2019

Bobs Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 18

Bobs Dilemma - Essay exerciseAs the discussion stresses, employees who wanted to further their careers at the go with had to work hard and keep family taboo of it. If Bob would take his paternity leave, his teammates would have to fill in for him, which he is afraid would create resentment. Additionally, he is worried that it will harm his career. Bob decided to take the advice of his colleagues on the issue. Mike, his married teammate, told him that the jobs structure required one to be quiet regarding family needs if one wanted to move up and talked to him about the use and abuse of the policies. Manuel, who is his best friend and single, is of the belief that those without children face discrimination. Judy, a 38-year-old single mum, was of the sound judgment that the uses of benefits made an individual seem less dedicated and affected their performance appraisals. Finally, Jessica, who is a recent college graduate, opined that company policy provisions are there to be used. On e converse theory that applies in this fictitious character is formal communication vs. informal communication. Communication involves sharing of information for purposes such as influencing, motivating, persuading and informing. Formal communication is distributed across an organization in an organized manner downwards flowing from executives regarding company policy and upward from the staff in the form of reports and data. This kind of information is well planned and established. Informal communication, on the new(prenominal) hand, works to satisfy emotional and social needs without basis on the positions that individuals hold in the organization. The about common term for it is grapevine and is considered as rumor or gossip. Information flowing through this stemma can be exaggerated or deleted, causing inaccuracies. Employees use this channel when they feel vulnerable, such as in this case where Bob is searching for help on his issue by talking to colleagues.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Response of the In The Mood for Love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response of the In The sense modality for Love - Essay ExampleChow gets a job in Singapore after for a while and is forced to move. He invites his lover Su to join him but she arrives for departure late and Chow leaves without her. In the spare-time activity year, however, Su goes to Hong Kong too and stops at Chows, calls him but remains quiet on phone. Chow later(prenominal) realizes that Su had been to his house when he discovers lipstick stains on his cigarette ashtray. 3 years later, Su inquires from Mrs. Suen if her apartment is available for undertake since Mrs. Suen is relocating to the United States. Later on, Chow goes to visit the Koos, his landlords, and finds that they have gone to the Philippines. He asks close the Suen family living side by side(p) door and is informed that a woman and her son reside there-in. he lives without discovering that the woman in heading is Su. The film ends in regret as Chow whispers his sadness of what could have been on the hole in the wall then seals it with mud (In the Mood for Love, 2000).The characters in the film change in search of give careers and also rent a hotel room where they can change their identities away from the increasingly suspicious glances of the neighbors. They do this to share their love, overcome loneliness and the heartache of unfaithful spouses. When they separate, we see them both become nostalgic of their ancient together and regret their separation, dreaming of re-union someday. Hong Kong films such(prenominal) as In the Mood for Love are not only about martial arts but in them we see various aspects of life such as nostalgia, search of new identities, love and lifestyles in the characters featured there-in. the movie is a heart comprehend and eye bewitching masterwork. Simply put, the film is not entirely about a story about two lovers but actually depicts life and reconstructs memories of life in the Hong Kong in the early 1960s. The movie that has since garnered a plethora of notable awards is a stylistic masterpiece for numerous

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Specifications & Documentations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Specifications & Documentations - Research Paper employmentThe fatalitys of the project ought to contain the main objectives that are described in details and are precise (Demetrovics, Knuth & Rado, 2005). The fatalitys of a project are competent of presenting an original tool for the severe evaluation of the quality of the project. This is because the final check up on of the project must be capable of showing a clear and precise requirement. Unfortunately, the idea of group meeting all the requirements in a project does not ensure that the project will meet the necessary quality. Therefore, thither is the carrying into action of a clear outline of the specifications that the project can use to achieve the amend quality of the product (Duenas, 2006). Categorization of the Requirements For the computer project to be effective and be capable of implementation of a given set of assess, then a requirement which is essential and is of the most priority is categorized. The mixtu re of the requirements needed for the project include the input devices as well as the output devices. There is as well as the category of usability and performance. Similarly, there is categorization of the requirement of target platform parameters and also the scalability categorization. They include the user requirements. This requirement category describes the pass needs and the goals of the user. This user requirement is often carried out at the end of the task analysis. This is because the user is capable of examining the final goals the project has been able to meet without many complications (Duenas, 2006). The second category of the requirement is the system requirement. This requirement has more than one meaning, first, it can mean the capability of the system with which, and also on which and moreover through which a given product is... The paper tells that there are a sorting of system theoretical accounts which the computer system has. There is the data touch on mo del. This model shows how the system data undergoes processing at various stages of the process. Second, there is the model called the composition model. This model shows how the system entities are chiefly make up of other minor entities. Third, there is the system modem called the architectural model. This model displays the system principal numbfish systems. Fourthly, there is the classification model. This model shows how the entities have a common and similar characteristic. Finally, there is the model called the stimulant drug or the response model. This final model displays the systems reaction to the major event of the system. Additionally, there is the semantic data model. This model describes the chief logicality of the structured data that is to be processed by the system. The model further sets out the main entities of the system and their relations to each other. Moreover, it sets the distinction between the chief relationship of the entities and of the entity attribu tes of the system. The semantic model is further utilized in the designing of the database. This can easily be capable of the implementation of using the relational databases. Eventually, there is no given specific notation that the model provides for the association of the system. The system model processing involves the process called the process model of the system. This process model displays the overall processing and also the procedures that the system supports.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

HSA 515 Dealing with Fraud Essay Example for Free

HSA 515 Dealing with ruse EssayAs the Chief Nursing Officer of the states largest Obstetric wellness criminal maintenance Center, this author is responsible for complaints regarding fraudulent behavior in the center.The purpose of this report is to (1) evaluate how the Health vexation Qui tammy-o-shanter affects wellness c ar organizations, (2) leave behind four examples of Qui tam-o-shanter cases that equal in a variety of wellness care organizations, (3) devise a procedure for admission into a wellness care preparation that upholds the faithfulness about the required number of Medicare and Medicaid referrals, (4) recommend a corporate integrity program that will palliate incidents of fraud and assess how the recommendation will restore issues of reproduction and birth, and (5) Devise a plan to foster longanimous cultivation that complies with all necessary laws. Qui Tam (from the Latin phrase he who sues on behalf of the poove) is a well-known mechanism used by reclusive individual to assist the political sympathies in enforcing specific laws (Ruhnka, Gac, Boerstler, 2000). The False Claims Act of 1863 is star of the most burning(prenominal) examples of the Qui Tam mechanism that was enacted during the Civil warfare to prosecute war profiteers who were caught overcharging the Union Army (Ruhnka, Gac, Boerstler, 2000).Showalter (2012) states that the whistle-blower (aka relator) files the suit as a kind of private attorney general on behalf of the government in a qui tam case. Evaluate how the healthcare Qui tam affects health care organizations.Healthcare qui tam affects health care organizations in umteen ways. The most open and inconvenient way is financial losses. If an organization is accused of qui tam, a suit is filed and if the compevery is found sheepish of fraud, they stand to incur a financial loss due to having to repay money to the government. Ruhnka, Gac, Boerstler (2000) state that intentionally fraudulent activit ies such as billing for services non provided, billing for services or equipment that is not health checkly appropriate, or violating clearly stated billing rules are unacceptable and should be prosecuted whenever they occur.Qui tam found on health care organizations has not been a positive one. Cruise (2003) state that qui tam actions has oblige organizations to develop a new cadre of operating guidelines and procedures collectively called compliance programs resulting in organizations having to pay $600 700 billion per year to a consultant industry to advise them on the intricacies of this new era.Health care organizations wee-wee adopted Federal Sentencing Guidelines as a part of their compliance programs due to the laws governing Medicare fraud and vitiate (Cruise, 2003). Examples of Qui Tam cases that exist in a variety of health care organizations.Healthcare is on the rebellion in the United States. Medicare and Medicaid is the largest of the government sponsored heal thcare plans and provide health care coverage for as many as 95 one thousand million Ameri gouges, at an estimated cost in 2012 of more than $900 billion (Raspanti, n.d.). Raspanti (n.d.) state that the main(a) reason for the rise in healthcare cost has been the large degree of fraud committed against these twain major government health care programs.Raspanti (n.d.) state the following are examples of qui tam cases, entirely not limited to Kickbacks The federal Anti-Kickback Statute prohibits any offer, payment, solicitation or receipt of money, property or net profit to induce or reward the referral of patients or healthcare services payable by a government health care program, including Medicare or Medicaid. These improper payments commode come in many different forms, including, but not limited to referral fees finders fees productivity bonuses discounted leases discounted equipment rentals research grants speakers fees excessive recompense and free or discounted travel or entertainment.Theoffer, payment, solicitation or receipt of any such monies or remuneration can be a violation of the Federal Anti-Kickback statute, 42 U.S.C. 1328-7b(b), the Federal False Claims Act, as well as various other federal and state laws and regulations. Ghost Patients The submission of a take on for health care services, treatments, diagnostic tests, medical devices or pharmaceuticals provided to a patient who either does not exist or who never received the service or item billed for in the claim. Up-Coding Services accusation of government and private insurance programs is done using a complex series of numerical codes that notice the specific procedure or service being performed.These code sets can include the American medical examination Associations Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes Evaluation and Management (EM) codes Healthcare harsh Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes and International Classification of Disease (ICD-9) codes. Government health care programs peg down a dollar amount it will pay for each procedure code. Up coding occurs when a health care provider submits of a claim for health care services, treatments, diagnostic tests or items that constitute a more serious and more expensive procedure than that which actually was performed.Up coding can be a violation of the Federal False Claims Act. Bundling and Unbundling In many cases, government health care programs have special reimbursement rates for conferences of procedures that are typically performed to purposeher, such as laboratory tests. iodine common type of fraud has been to unbundle these procedures or tests and bill each one separately, which results in greater reimbursement than the group reimbursement rate. Attorneys in the national qui tam whistleblower practice of Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick Raspanti successfully represented the lead relator in one of the largest cases of unbundling in the history of false claims litigation, United States ex re l.Merena v. Smithkline Beecham Clinical Labs, which resulted in a recovery of $328 million for federal taxpayers. False Certification When physicians, hospitals and other health care providers submit bills to government health care programs they are required to include a number of important certifications, including that the services were medically necessary, were actually performed, and were performed in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations.Additionally, health care companies such as pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy benefits managers that provide products or services to governmenthealth care programs are required to certify that they are square(a) all obligations under their contracts with the government. One common type of fraud has been to falsify these certifications in order to get a health care claim paid or to obtain additional business (Raspanti, n.d.). Stanton (2001) acknowledges that in a healthcare facility, with Medicare, each false claim is conside red an individual billing whether for a specific medical item or service.Penalties can rise quickly with suspension or delay payment of upcoming claims for a facility if it has been accused of submitting false claims (Stanton, 2001). Devise a procedure for admission into a health care facility that upholds the law about the required number of Medicare and Medicaid referrals.In order to avoid health care qui tam, healthcare organizations must stay abreast and compliant with Medicare and Medicaid laws. When a patient enters a facility for illness or an appointment, there are steps to follow. At check-in, the patient gives insurance card and relevant information to nurse. The nurse enters the information into the system.The patient waits for the doctor to assess the illness to determine the needs of the patient. medical student inputs information into the system and system codes the treatment based on Medicare or Medicaid protocols system confirms and red flags any treatment or medi cation that is not allowed patient is discharged and Medicare or Medicaid is billed for services rendered by the hospital, physician, and for medication (Burnaby, Hass, OReilly, 2011).If for some reason, items billed are questioned or denied, the items are reviewed and resubmitted to Medicare or Medicaid for payment. Recommend a corporate integrity program that will mitigate incidents of fraud and assess how the recommendation will impact issues of reproduction and birth.Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIAs) are considered second chances for healthcare organizations. By using CIAs, the organization avoids projection from Medicare, Medicaid, or other Federal healthcare programs by establishing and implementing a compliance program per CIA regulations and guidelines (MetricStream, n.d.). Implementing CIAs is challenging and can cause financial strain however it can protect stakeholders and customers from risk, and build brand value (MetricStream, n.d.) CIAs are implementedfor health care organizations to uphold certain standards and to fulfill the organizations missions and goals.CIAs are usually proposed due to allegations of fraud or abuse which are found to be true through audits or self-disclosures and are drawn up for a period of three to five days and can extend up to eight years (MetricStream, n.d.).Ramsey (2002) suggests that a recommended integrity program should include stipulations such as designation of a compliance incumbent and a compliance committee to ensure that the needed changes will be made a required code of conduct, mandated compliance policies and procedures stating that the organization is committed to complying with the laws training requirements to ensure that staff and physicians are knowledgeable and cutting-edge on all requirements and processes required by the organization, the government and vendors review and auditing procedures to help slew errors when reporting claims and a confidential disclosure program where employee s internally may report possible violations of the law .Once a CIA is implemented, to deter employees from committing fraud, a stern disciplinary action process should be enforced and followed. Devise a plan to protect patient information that complies with all necessary laws.Protecting patient information is a responsibility of all healthcare organizations and a plan or process must be in place to do so. In any situation, whether in an office, clinic, or in the field, there are important procedures that can be followed to protect a patients information and confidentiality (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012).As a health care worker, you must confirm the patients identity at branch encounter, never discuss the patients case with anyone without the patients permission, never leave difficult copies of forms or records where unauthorized persons may access them, and use only secure routes to send patient information and always mark confidential (Center for Disease Contr ol and Prevention, 2012).When in healthcare settings conduct patient interviews in private rooms, never discuss cases or use patients names in public area, and always obtain patients permission before distributing his/her information to a staff piece or healthcare worker (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Always keep medical records andcomputers used in a locked or secure box to prohibit unauthorized persons access. Creation and implementation of a auspices and privacy plan can reduce legal actions under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.Qui Tam cases impact healthcare organizations in various ways to include high penalties if found guilty, payback of monies received, and a negative image for the organization. Medicare and Medicaid fraud cases are the most common qui tam cases. In order to reduce fraud and abuse cases, healthcare organizations must improve their current admission procedure, their corporate integrity program, and their patient information protection system.ReferenceBurnaby, P., Hass, S., OReilly, A. (2011). Generic health care hospital The road to an co-ordinated risk management system. Issues in Accounting Education, 26(2), 305-319. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Measures to protect patient confidentiality. Retrieved from http//www.cdc.gov/tb/education/ssmodules/module7/ss7reading4.htm Cruise, P. L. (2003). Deregulating health care ethics education A curriculum proposal. Global equity Ethics Review, 4(3-4). MetricStream. (n.d.). Corporate integrity agreements. Retrieved from http//www.metricstream.com/solution_briefs/corporate-integrity-agreements.htm Ramsey, R. B. (2002). Corporate integrity agreements Making the best of a tough situation. Healthcare Financial Management, 56(3), 58-62. Raspanti, M. S. (n.d.). Health care fraud and false claims. Retrieved from http//www.falseclaimsact.com Ruhnka, J. C., Gac, E. J., Boerstler, H. (2000). Qui tam claims Threat to voluntary complianc e programs in health care organizations. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 25(2), 283-308. Showalter, J. S. (2012). The law of healthcare administration (6th ed.). Chicago Health Administration Press. Stanton, T. H. (2001). Fraud-and-abuse enforcement in Medicare Finding middle ground. Health Affairs, 20(4), 28-42.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Effect of “Publish or Perish” Motto on Academics Essay Example for Free

The Effect of Publish or Perish adage on Academics EssayRetailing, w atomic number 18housing and producing familiarity atomic number 18 the core missionary marchs of the donnishian scholars in the universities. Universities w atomic number 18house cognition through libraries they disseminate or retail knowledge via their t from each oneing function and they produce or diligence knowledge through research (Hunt, 2000). In piece to accomplish these missions, namely to enhance the production and public exposure quantum of the knowledge, governmental institutions and university administrations use inducing and come back systems (Bloom et al. , 1988).These systems present in close universities acknowledge publications and quotation marks as the induction of scholarly achievement and necessity for promotion, grant, and upgrade (Darko, 2003). However, incentive and reward systems in academia were considered to lead a publish or exit syndrome by keeping the academic st aff downstairs pressure (Bloom et al. , 1988). On the unrivalled hand, these systems lead to a an inwardness up in the quantity of watchwords and document (Bloom et al. , 1988) on the former(a) hand, the type of the generated knowledge may decrease since the academics aim to reach maximum number of publications (Nyilasy et al., 2007). As it is seen, these systems have or so(prenominal) advantageous and inopportune.In this context, the objective of this paper is to analyze whether the incentive and reward systems have institutionalized a restrictive approach to knowledge culture or they enhance and encourage the producing of the knowledge. On the other hand, it go out be tried to compare the jokesters current academic environment with the other countries in the context of ethical academic behaviours.THE OBJECTIVE OF ACADEMICS market as a university discipline has several(prenominal) responsibilities such(prenominal) as to society, for providing objective knowledge and t echnically competent, socially responsible, liberally educated graduatesTo students, for providing an education that will change them to get on the socioeconomic l player and prepare them for their roles as competent, responsible marketers and citizens to marketing practice, for providing a go on supply of competent, responsible entrants to the marketing profession and for providing new knowledge about both the micro and macro instruction dimensions of marketing and to the academy, for upholding its mission of retailing,warehousing and producing knowledge, its contract with society of objective knowledge for academic freedom, and its core set of priming coat, evidence, openness and civility (Hunt, 2002, p. 306).In parallel with this view, Irele (1993, p. 74) claimed that A university has three functions to perform which are to conserve knowledge to advance knowledge and to disseminate knowledge. It falls on the spur of the moment of the full realization of its aim unless, havi ng provided for the conservation and procession of knowledge, it makes provision for its dissemination as well.It can be revealed from these statements that, production and dissemination of the knowledge are two of the core missions of universities. Knowledge produced by academic researchers tends to be distributed to the discipline through research books, journals, academic conferences, training and development courses ((Bloom et al. , 1988 McKenzie et al. , 2002 Nyilasy et al. , 2007). However, according to the American Marketing Association (as of now AMA) Task Force on the development of marketing, academic researchers do non produce and disseminate enough publications (Bloom et al., 1988).Further much, in that respect is a dissemination problem that faculty members are not successful in disseminating the knowledge they generate (Nyilasy et al. , 2007). In regularize to master these problems and increase the production and dissemination of knowledge, and also to become mor e agonistic, university management boards apply incentive and reward systems (Bloom et al. , 1988). INCENTIVE AND REWARDS SYSTEMS At first sight, the incentive and reward systems may be seen well functioning that it leads to increase on knowledge generation and motivate the researchers.However there are several disadvantages and side personal effectuate of these systems and in the literature the outcomes of these systems have been criticized by several authors under the publish or transcend mantra (List at al. , 2007Bloom et al. , 1988 Nyilasy et al. , 2007 Brennan Ankers, 2004 Darko, 2003 Remus, 1977 Gad-el-hak, 2004). One of the best explanation of publish or perish doctrine made by P. Van Den Berghe (1970, p. 87) as create has become a compulsion.The average academic author does not write because he has somewhatthing to say, because he hopes to contribute to knowledge, or because he has fun doing it rather, he writes and publishes in order to improve his vita. This document is frequently the simply thing about him which his colleagues will ever read it is the testimonial to academic success and, beyond the routine acquisition of a Ph. D. , published titles are the main decorate of a vita. On the other hand, there are some alternative views such as damp (1973) claimed that equating not publishing with perishing is an over dramatization of the present condition.In fact, in this context incentive and rewards refers to raise and promotion. Namely, in order to get a tenure or promotion to the more sr. academic positions it is essential to publish books, academic paper and be cited (Blunt, 1973). In enlargeition, Remus (1977) claimed that publication is one of the most essential criterion for gaining tenure and promotion in a highly competitive academic environment which Remus defined this environment as a treacherous dog-eat-dog world metaphorically.Since AMA (1988) claimed that publications in the marketing playing area is not enough and there ne ed to bounce back the impediments in order to increase the quantity of the publications. The AMA assessed several suggestions to motivate the researchers the researchers must be provided large scale funding source and faculty release eon for their research the average revision time of the journals must be decreased as much as possible, thus further expenditures of time and effort of both reviewers and authors will be prevented special workshops and consortia must be chokeed relate to the need of the researchers.To sum up, this system is actually effective and advantageous in order to motivate the researchers and achieve a maximum number of publications. However, there are also some disadvantageous and side effects of this system. In the next section the negative effects of this system will be criticized. SIDE EFFECTS OF INCENTIVE AND REWARD SYSTEMS As discussed in the preceding sections, the system puts the researcher under the pressure of publishing more and more books, journ als and conference papers.The strong and undesirable incentives motivate especially the schoolgirlish academics through knowledge development (Blunt, 1973). However, it is extremely short-term in orientation and the system discourages risk-taking in the development of new ideas, discourages investment in long-term projects on significant issues, and instead encourages minor improvements in establishing ideas (Bloom et al. , 1988). On the other hand, the young academicians have started to publish books without getting enough wisdom in a finicky field (Gad-el-hak, 2004).When the researchers age and experience increase, they provide fewer divisions to the journals. The AMA stated the possible reason for this situation as following (1) A sense that the rewards for research and publication have been less than judge or are simply insufficient to justify additional effort. (2) A cumulative frustration with the competitive review processes of the major journals of the field. (3) An cha nge magnitude need or desire for outside income during the middle years of ones career.(4) An increased capability to undertake activities that hold higher personal value (e. g. , teaching, consulting, administrative positions) than does research and writing(Bloom et al. , 1988, p. 4). Another of import issue affected by the system is the prime(prenominal) concern. Publish or perish philosophy makes the researchers select more importance to the quantity of the publications rather than quality (Lofthouse, 1974). In order to get a tenure or promotion, most researchers focus on publishing as much as they can, even sometimes they use cut-and-paste to reach their goals.Furthermore, to fulfil the increasing demand for publishing papers, everyday more and more journals tuck the academic market. Thus, there have been the journals stratified into several quality categories which fits different quality papers (Gad-el-hak, 2004). However, since journals are peer reviewed they can preserve their quality in balance (Bloom et al. , 1988). The quality concern is emerged in book publishing as well and credibly more noteworthy that there is no need to be reviewed which makes it easier to publish a book than a journal article accepted (Gad-el-hak, 2004).Gad-el-Hak (2004) provided some extreme examples related to the quantity of publications. The first one is a dean of major school of engineering listed 52 papers that he wrote just in a year which equals to publishing a paper every week. In the second example, a professor was introduces at a meeting as the author of 80 books in his 20 year career which is equal to a book every three months. Citation documents the ? ow of instruction and the links within and among disciplines or other units of analysis (Goldman Grinstein, 2010).The number of citations is a dominant criterion for promotion, requital increases and funding. It also will determine to what extent the individual researcher is seen as a thought leader. On the ot her hand, it is an indicator of quality, innovativeness and contribution of the publication to the science. Therefore, the researchers try to maximize the number of times they are cited (Verniers, 2010). However, still the articles published in top journals which represent the core of a discipline, most articles receive few or no citation (Van Dalen Klamer, 2005).Also some researchers use make citation unethically. For example, authors generally do not actually consult some of the references they cite, some authors add references at the completion of a research because they support the researchers arguments or findings authors often reference well known authors in order to add credibility and prestige, and that misquotations of what is actually written in the references are prevalent (Goldman Grinstein, 2010, p.1389)As Hunt (2000) claimed another mission of academics is the retailing the knowledge in terms of teaching. However, since the publish or perish motto force the academic s to focus on publications, especially the young academicians give less emphasis to the teaching function (Blunt, 1973). On the other hand, this motto also affects the relationship level between the practitioners and academicians. Brennan and Ankers (2004, p.511) claimed that It seems clear that although academics would like to get closer to practitioners, they are inhibited by institutional factors, such as academic reward systems and the publish or perish culture.Since the Publish or perish culture suppresses the academics, they are tempted to perform unethical behaviours such as copying research, faking data and statistics, intentionally leaving out erroneous findings (Van Dalen Klamer, 2005). (List et al., 2007) made a research on this topic and proved that some researchers have falsified the research data also they became co-authors of the papers without contributing.In addition, Remus (1977) very clearly identified the publication tricks as following Joint Author Trick, colle agues write papers independently, and they add his / her colleagues name to the paper. Thus, in average both get more point. Experimental Trip trick, in some cases the academics force the students to participate in experiments. Thus, they can set up experiments in a very short time and free of charge.Graduate Student Gap, Graduate students perform great effort to show him commensurate, so the academics may use them for library research, analyze and write up the data, or to find new imaginative research topics. Senior Author Trick, sometimes the junior academics use the name of senior, well-known authors in their studies without their contribution to publish their articles in top journals and books in quality publishers. Kitchen Sink Trick, since the data gathering phase is time consuming, they may use the same data more than once for different articles.In order to overcome the side effects of the publish or perish concept, Gad-el-Hak (2004) offered some suggestions such as resumes submitted to promotion and tenure committees should be limited to listing only 510 the most significant publications co-authors should contribute meaningfully to a publication and no name should be added merely because he or she is a phallus of a research group, or worse, the head of the group journals should publish their impact factor and it should be an cardinal consideration when libraries decide which journals to drop Completed book manuscripts should go through peer review forward publication.PUBLISH OR PERISH SYSTEM IN TURKEY In this section, as an academic member in a university, I will express my observations about the functioning of publish or perish system by comparing with the outside of Turkey. There is an incentive and rewards system in Turkey as well. For example, In order to apply for an Associate Professor position, academicians have to get at least 6 points by publishing books, articles, conference papers and being cited (UAK, 2012). In addition, The Scientifi c and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) makes payment for the articles published in top journals in order to motivate academics.However the side effects in terms unethical academic consequences of the system is very similar to the other countries. Probably, one of the most important factors is they are assigned many courses to teach and also they are charged with administrative work load. The most common unethical behaviours in Turkey are plagiarism refers to stealing from other authors publications without citation and permission, duplication which is publishing the same or similar papers in different journals or conferences, fictionalisation which is making up unreal results and publish, and Salamizationrefers to slicing up one research in more or less identical papers (Ruacan, 2008).As indicated in the AMA task force report (1988), most of the senior academicians slow up researching and publishing, instead they mostly focus on consulting to the private sector co mpanies, administrative functions, organizing conferences in their most productive period in Turkey as well. On the other hand in order to increase the quantity of their publications some academics search for the journals, mostly in third world countries such as African journals, that they can easily publish their unqualified articles.Furthermore, some of the academics make a dole out with publishing companies to publish their book. Actually, the aim is not selling the book and making profit. In most cases the only reason is just getting point to get a promotion or tenure. In addition, authors in Turkey use joint author trick which was stated by Remus (1977) to gain more point. For instance, there are three colleagues and each of them prepared a paper. If they publish them as single authored in an internationalistic journal, each will get 3 points independently.However, if they write the other two colleagues names as co-authors each will get 5. 4 point which is approximately twice of the former choice (UAK, 2012). CONCLUSION To sum up, producing and disseminating of the knowledge is one of the most crucial missions for the universities. To accomplish this duty, the administrative directors of the universities and Institutes of Higher Education use some incentive and reward systems. However, in some cases these strategies put the academic staff under the pressure which is called as the Publish or Perish motto.Thus, in order to survive in the academic world, the members sometimes tint for some unethical ways such as plagiarism, salamization, duplication, fabrication, joint author, publishing unqualified books, and so on. eon the quantity of the publications increases, their quality may decrease. In my opinion, being academic members must be encouraged by increasing the salary of the member, providing extra opportunities, to increase the attraction of being a faculty member.Thus, the more qualified people will demand to be an academician and the cumulative qu ality of the universities and academics will increase and probably there will be a decrease in the rate of unethical academic behaviour. On the other hand, some reformations must be made to prevent the unstandardized proceedings, patronages, and unfairness In this way, the motivation and quality of the junior academic personnel will increase and they would be more productive. REFERENCES Berghe, P. (1970).Academic Gamesmanship, London Abelard-Schuman Bloom, P. , Hirschman, E. , Mcaleer, L. , Group, T. M., Weitz, B. , Wilkie, W. , Dame, N. , et al. (1988). development , Disseminating , and Utilizing Marketing Knowledge, Journal of Marketing Vol. 52(October), pp. 125. Brennan, R. , and P. Ankers, (2004). In Search of Relevance Is There an Academic-Practitioner Divide in Business-to-Business Marketing? Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol 22(5), pp. 511519. Darko, C. O. (2003). Scholarly Publ? sh? ng In Africa A Case Study Of The politico? cies And Practices Of African Un? versity Presses, Inpublished PhD Dissertation, Graduate School of the University of Stirling Gad-el-Hak, M. (2004).Publish or Perish An Ailing Enterprise ,Phisics Today,pp. 61-62 Goldman, A. , Grinstein, A. (2010). Stages in the information of Market Orientation Publication Activity A Longitudinal Assessment. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (9/10), pp. 13841409. Hunt, S. D. (2000). Marketing is , Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Vol 20,(4), pp. 301-311. Hunt, S. D. (2002). Marketing as a Profession On goal Stakeholder Gaps. European Journal of Marketing, Vol 36(3),pp. 305312. Irele, A. (1993), The challenge of university Publishing in Africa, with special reference to Nigeria.In Altbach PG (ed) readings on Publishing in Africa and the Third World. Buffalo Bellagio. List, J. , Bailey, C. , Euzent, P. , Martin, T. (2007). Academic economists behaving badly? A survey on three areas of unethical behavior. Economic Inquiry, 39(1), 162170. doi10. 1111/j. 1465-7295. 2001. t b00058. x Lofthouse, S. (1974). Thoughts on Publish Or Perish, Higher Education Vol 3 pp. 59 80. McKenzie, C. J. , Wright, S. , Ball, D. F. Baron, P. J. (2002) The publications of marketing faculty who are we really talking to? European Journal of Marketing, Vol.36 (November), pp. 11961208. Nyilasy, G. , Reid, L. , Rodgers, S. , Wang, Y. , Rettie, R. , Alpert, F. , Matthes, J. , et al. (2007). The academicianpractitioner gap in advertising, International Journal of Advertising, Vol 26(4) pp. 425-447. Peter Blunt,(1976), Publish or perish or neither What is happening in academia, Vestes, vol. 19 (1), pp. 62-64. Remus, Wi?. (1977). Strategies for a Publish or Perish World or Why Journals Are Unreadable, Interfaces, Vol. 8 (1), pp. 64-69. Ruacan, S. (2008). Bilimsel Arast? rma ve Yay? nlarda Etik Ilkeler. Hacettepe Universitesi.Onkoloji Enstitusu. http//www. ulakbim. gov. tr/dokumanlar/sempozyum1/sruacan 2. pdf. (accesed 12. 12. 2012). UAK (2012), Criteria for Associate Professor A pplication, http//www. uak. gov. tr/temelalan /tablo11. pdf (Accessed 12. 12. 2012). Van Dalen, Hendrik P. and Arjo Klamer (2005), Is There Such a affaire Called Scientific Waste? Tinbergen discussion paper, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Verniers, I (2010), Essays on Marketing and Scientific Innovations, Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Faculty of political economy and Business Administration, Ghent University.

Field trip example for developing questions Essay Example for Free

range turn on example for developing questions assayListed below ar some sample questions that were asked about a hand sour use of goods and servicesd in the 1800s that one group of students saw in a museum. These might give you some ideas for developing questions What die hard do you think this object had? When do you think it might attain been used? Who might hand used it? What materials were used to trade name it? How do you think it was make/manufactured? Imagine u babble this plow all day. How would you feel? How do farmers plow their surface areas today? Do you think they feel all divergently than the farmer using this plow did at the end of the day? Explain. Do you think t hither(predicate) are volume in the world today who still use tools like this? Explain.ACTIVITY TO BE DONE FIELD TRIP TO A OLD-TIMECRAFT MUSEUM Questions ar the crafts mensurally made to show the culture and beliefs of the volume who made them? Basing from the craft materi als that youve fulfiln, how might you describe the ancient generation of humans? How are you able to combine the past with the present through and through the crafts that you demand seen? Are there any(prenominal) depictions of the past that you could identify to restrict the present human society today? Do you think these crafts could still be improved through the usage of modern technology? How would technology actually affect the presentation of the verbalize crafts? Appendix 23. 07c render Pre-, During- and Post-Field Trip Activities for a Field Trip to a California Mission Grade Level 4 Pre-Trip exercise Who Built the Missions? I go forth read sections from Missions of the Southern Coast by Nancy Lemke (1996) to my students. later on maturement the story, we will record nurture learned about who built the missions on a wall chart. We will discuss how the spirit of many native Indians changed after the Spanish padres taught the natives Indians to speak Spanish, make adobe bricks, sing Spanish religious songs, and change their religious beliefs, etc. I will set up a computer station for students to explore the place http//library. thinkquest. org/3615/index. shtml, which describes the layout of the missions and how the structures were built. Students will record their findings for later use in their fanciful story writing.During the Trip Activity Mission Architecture At the site I will fit students around me at the entrance to the mission. Here we will take a close look at the basic architectural design of the building and compare it to the photos we examined in row, looking for similarities and differences. Students will sketch deuce-ace architectural features that they see. As we walk through the mission building (using the missions map to fly our route), students will make a list of the different rooms and make place of some(prenominal) objects or architectural design elements in each room that are similar to items in use today.W e will also discuss items that are no longer used. Post-Trip Activity Travel Brochure for the Mission After the switch on, students will summarize their teaching by working in pairs to design a travel leaflet inviting travelists to visit the mission. Students will need to include the following information mission name, date built, brief storey about wherefore missions were founded, a brief story unique to this mission, a statement that explains to the tourist why missions are an important part of Californias history.Brochures will also include students decorative artwork. Per-trip Activity Sharing the Goals of the Trip with the Students This activity shall sustain the teacher outline the reasons for the fieldtrip thus guide the students with the necessary learning that they are supposed to receive from the activity that they are to encounter in the field. It is expect that through this item activity, the students would have a logical see to iting of how much they are suppos ed to be benefited by the state activity. During the trip activity.It is simply through the actual field trip that the understanding of the gist of the activity shall be realized by everyone involved in the project. Thus, through the activity itself, the students would realize the real impact of the routine at heart their learning and personality as well(p). With the realization of the students with regards the benefit of the trip to their learning process, they are and accordingly evaluate to apply in themselves whatever it has been that they have learned from the trip. Post-Trip Activity Recollection of the things learned is a primary localize of the instructor after the trip is over.It is through this after activity meeting that the educators as well as the coordinators of the trip would naturally measure the success of the activity thus scale it for kick upstairs pursuance during the following years of operation. Appendix 23. 07b Field Trip Planning and Implementation Fo rm 1. take root where you are going and record the pertinent information, including site address relevant telep hone numbers doorway costs group rates group size limitations hours of operation content of the exhibits facilities (bathrooms, area to eat, etc. ). accessibility of food concessions, gift shops requirements for reservations availability of guide tours (Are they required? Costs? ) availability of curriculum materials for teachers special requirements (walking shoes, binoculars, speedy clothing, etc. ) handicapped accommodations, and new(prenominal) relevant information (brochures, handouts) assent Step 1 information here 1. Craft Museum in Los Angeles features the exhibit of the works of the families and cultures of both ancient and modern the States. 2. Schedule of TourWednesday or Saturday in the afternoon beginning 1pm. 3.time length of tour 3hours 4. Exhibit Content family crafts of the ancient and modern American civilization. 5. Facilities With comf ort rooms and lobby for resting purposes 6. Ground Rules No eating within the premises of the showroom during the tour activities. 7. No Reservation Payment but there is an enlisting process before the tour begins. 8. tutor uniforms for quick identification is required due to the continuous tours taking place in the museum. 2. Educational and other considerations for the field trip. How does taking a field trip relate to your classroom studies? What are your objectives for the field trip? What information will tell you if your students have achieved your objectives? Visit the museum/site before your field trip. Which exhibits would you like to use? Are there any special conditions you will need to accommodate? What are the rules and procedures for group visits? dejeuner plans? Do you have a map of the museum/site? Do you have some pictures, slides or postcards of the site that you can use with your students? Do you know your way around the museum/site? Enter Step 2 inform ation here 1.The field trip is expected to enhance the knowledge of the students with regards how much ancient America tie ins with the modern generation of people of the country today. 2. This field trip is rather pursued to help the students see the actual display of intellect of both the ancient and modern Americans whether with the aid of technology or those others that were created without the tell utilization of modern technology. 3. to ensure safety of the whole class, it is advised that the instructor sees the museum frontmost for security measures and perspicacity of the place whether it would be feasible for the subject or the students the like.4. Souvenirs are given to the students visiting there and several brochures which could later on be used for classroom discussions. The said brochures are accompanied by maps demonstrate the interiors of the museum. 3. Make Advance Arrangements What are your schools procedures for field trips? Do you need special authorizatio n? set about you made reservations at the site for your trip? What transportation arrangements do you need to make? beget you kept copies of forms, requests, reservations, etc.? cede you sent out and accredited permission slips from parents? Can you anticipate any student behavior problems? Do you have a plan to cope with them? Have you arranged for compensation of field trip expenses? What is your policy about visits to the museum/site gift shop? Tell students in advance Enter Step 3 information here 1. Parental permission must be first received before a student is to be joined in with the group for field trip. 2. Hiring a bus is a necessary step for getting the students safe into the museum. 3. The transportation is supposed to fetch the students clog up and forth from the school within at least five hours time difference.4. To avoid unruly behaviors, the instructor is to have three appointees per group who would serve as group leaders thus making the trip much more c ontrollable and the students easier to accompany with. 5. Snacks are to be served to the students in the bus after the three-hour field-trip. 6. all ground rules are to be discussed during the pre-trip meetings with the students. 4. Pre-Trip Activities Introduce Museum/Community Site What pre-trip activities have you planned to introduce your students to the field trip site? What pre-trip activities have you planned to enable your students to try out and practice perceptual skills? (touch-boxes, sounds, smells, same-different, matching, sketching, color) What pre-trip activities have you planned that pertain to the subject matter of your field trip? (vocabulary, experience chart, artifacts, speakers, research groups, developing worksheets) trope six questions to ask your students that will help them think about something that they will see on the trip. Enter Step 4 information here 1.Each student is advised to bring short note pads where they could take down their notes for revi ew purposes in class. 2. Questions Are the crafts carefully made to show the culture and beliefs of the people who made them? Basing from the craft materials that youve seen, how might you describe the ancient generation of humans? How are you able to connect the past with the present through the crafts that you have seen? Are there any depictions of the past that you could identify to characterize the present human society today? Do you think these crafts could still be improved through the usage of modern technology? How would technology actually affect the presentation of the said crafts? 5. Plan Field Trip Activities Will your students be participating in a site-led program or tour? If so, have you talked to the guide about your students background and preparation for the trip? Will your students be using worksheets youve developed as a basis for their site activities? What other activities will your students do at the site (beyond a guided tour)? Have you planned the w ork in small sections (in case some children finish sooner than others)? Are the activities varied intellectually? Review field trip plans with chaperones. When will you meet with chaperones to review your plans for the trip? Have you recruited the chaperones you need? Do you have a back-up plan if a chaperone fails to show up? Have you prepared an information packet about the trip for each chaperone? Do the chaperones clearly understand what they can do to support the educational objectives of your trip? Enter Step 5 information hereEach group leader is assigned with a name of list in their groups who they would be nominate to chair on time and again. Nevertheless, after the three-hour tour, everyone is expected to be intact in their groups as their rack up on the said activity shall well depend on how well they behave during the tour activities. devising necessary pre-announced quizzes about the trip would also help the students more attentive and interested in the discu ssions presented to them during the tours and hold the line them safe with their groups as well. 6. Field Trip Day Review plans and schedule with students and chaperones. Give the bus driver a map, parking information and a schedule. Get the bus number. Bathroom stop before embarkation the bus. Give a brief orientation to the site upon arrival review what to do if anyone gets lost. Conduct at-site activities and go down pace as needed. Finish activities and stop at the gift shop if planned. Move to the exit, do headcounts and shape up the bus. Notify the school office when you return. Discuss the trip with students. Enter Step 6 information here Headcounts are to be performed, before, once during, and after the tours.The headcount is supposed to be a security check on the whereabouts of the students. If incase anyone gets lost, the enlisting before the entrance of the students in the museum shall be a great help thus alerting the museum securities of the said lost stude nt. Once the trip begins to pursue, the administration should be notified as well as when it is already over. This would give the administration less frustration in handling activities as such(prenominal) in the future. 7. Post-Trip Activities What activities have you planned to continue your students learning back in the classroom?(murals, dioramas, newspaper, letters, tape recordings, posters, plays/skits, germinal writing, travel brochure, museum memory capsule) Enter Step 7 information here Poster making and fictional character playing shall be the main activity inside the classrooms once the activity is over so as to help the children recover about what they have learned from the touring activities held. 8. Evaluation of the Field Trip Does the kind of feedback you received from your students allow you to tell if you met your objectives for the trip? Did you meet your trip objectives? How did your students evaluate their trip? What were your students reactions to the trip? What did they learn from their worksheets or other activities? How do you know? Were there any problems you could avoid next time? Surprises? What improvements or changes would you make next time? Have you recorded your thoughts for future reference? Enter Step 8 information here It should be understood that part of the activity is the assurance that each student is given the careful attention that they need, simply for them to benefit well from the activity.Through post-activity class discussions and presentations, the said matter could be then well measured as to how the activity applied well for the development of the students with regards their learning as considered within the curriculum that they are to discuss along with the integrated goals of the field trip within the development of the lesson. (Adapted from inform the Mind, Touch the Spirit A Guide to Focused Field Trips Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago) Describe your class, their interests, pagan background s, SAT9 profiles, English language levels, reading abilities and special needs levels. The class to be dealt with is comprised of multicultural population that ranged from the turbulent and the slow as well as the average learners the like. This particular diversity on the part of the class make up actually makes the instruction of integrated lessons quite a challenge for the instructor. Moreover, the ways by which the instructor should deal with the situation should integrate both lecture and pragmatic implication of the lessons as well. comprehend the cultural differences of the students, the instructors are rather required to have a quality that needs to be handled to the said specific types of students. It is understood that with a multicultural population in class, it is needed that the educational instructors utilize the different strategies to draw close the learning diversity of all the students catered through the lessons presented in class. Profile your school culture, family involvement and fellowship/school communication. Because of multiculturalism, the need for long understanding is required.For this reason, it is understood that the instructors could not be able to be expected to do the entire job. The cooperation of the parents and guardians of the students is highly regarded for the treatment within this particular situation. The communication between the parents/guardians and the instructors is to be tough as a primary source of success in this process. Thus it is encouraged that updating the parents/guardians with the development of their students as well as the extra needed attention that the young learners require be made known to the individuals needing the information.Doing so would give the instructors and the parents as well as the guardian of the students give full focus to the advancement of the young learners as primary receivers of the education that they are due. B Learning Goals Select goals that are developmentally approp riate, culturally responsive, student-interest-based and drawn from the California donnish content standards. There are numerous academic goals that actually outlines the need of increasing the capability of the students to deal with the challenges of life in a more virtual(a) process that would be most beneficial for their own good.Among the said goals is to teach them to become reliable at almost all the times needed. With regards this, it could be noted that understanding the primary issues that are related to life and the challenges that it offers shall give the students the real and right motivation to advance further with their learning. It is through this that they become motivated to hone their capability of being reliable at most especially during the times that their support and understanding are highly needed. Another goal is to help the students relate their school lessons with their real life situations.Being practical in dealing with real life situations could be str essed out during classroom discussions that are expected to be presented during class. Handling this particular responsibility is of utmost need for the instructors to consider during class operations.References Shapiro, B. L. (1994). What Children Bring to light(a) A Constructivist Perspective on Childrens Learning in Science New York. Teachers College Press. Helm, J. H. , Katz, L. (2001). Young investigators The project approach in the early years. New York Teachers College Press.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Businesses and organizations Essay Example for Free

Businesses and organizations EssayBusinesses and organizations use various types of entropy dodges to support the m some(prenominal) marches needed to ship out their business functions. Each of these information systems has a particular purpose or focus, and each has a life of its own. This life of its own concept is called the systems development life cycle or SDLC, and it includes the entire process of planning, building, deploying, using, updating, and maintaining an information system. The development of a new information system involves several different, but related activities. These activities, or physiques, usually include planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance/support. In other words, SDLC is a conceptual model that guides project counseling in information system development.(Wikibooks) The life cycle starts with preliminary investigation which all the available information needed for the system elements and allocation of the requirements to t he software package are gathered. Next is the analysis of the requirements. This involves the psychoanalyst understanding the functions of the software which is required for the system based off the gathered information. Then is the system design in which the analyst designs and finalizes the best suited design for the system. The difficult step of system coding or development comes following which is where the analyst translates the design and programs into code for the computer.After the previous steps next are the testing phase where the system is testing to see if it works as intended or not. Then is implementation where the system is given to the customer and feedback is returned to get over the program works as intended. And finally system maintenance is the get going step, here the analyst insures the system remains working within the proper bounds and functions appropriately and fixes any problems. I think this relates to database development in a number of ways. One is how it starts, gathering information and decision the intent of the system. Next you must plan out how to set up the database, by determining the indispensable information. Then comes the minor details. You set up your database fill in some test information insure it works right on and make needed adjustments. Finally you implement your database design where in it works properly you merely maintain and fix any errors. 2. Look up Requirement Analysis on the web. What kinds of number heading do you find? I found headlines like Business Requirement Analysis,software product Requirement Analysis and Five common errors in requirements analysis (and how to avoid them)ReferencesWikibooks Systems Analysis and Design/Introduction- reach book for an open world http//en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Systems_Analysis_and_Design/Introduction

Friday, April 12, 2019

Pricing Channels Essay Example for Free

Pricing Channels bear witnessStudents come from a variety of backg calendar method of birth controls with a large and diverse base of knowledge and experience. Therefore, the primary exercise of the professor allow for be to acilitate discussions that bring out pertinent issues and to better frame the analyses of these issues. Required materials incase Packet The case packet is available through www. study. net. Instructions to get materials from study. net ar include in the last page of this syllabus, before the course schedule. Pricing Simulation Universal Rental cable car Harvard occupancy School Sign up instructions will be provided to you in early October. It will cost $12. 50. There will be a practice round available from Nov. 4-9. The official round will run from Nov. Other Readings A number of readings for this class are available in across-the-board text (usually PDF) from Business Source Complete. For these articles, go to http// www. lib. utexas. edu/, then t o Research Tools* Databases Indexes to Articles + Databases by Subject* Business* Business Source Complete, and search on the title of the article (unless otherwise directed in the schedule).It works take up if you put the title of the article in quotes. If you get a yellow box that says Find it at UT, click on the box and follow the links that have full text. Other Materials Other materials, such(prenominal) as study questions for case studies, grading sheets, and lecture slides are available on Blackboard. Paperless Assignments All assignments are to be submitted electronically rather than in hard copy and no later than 5 proceeding prior to the start of class. Please send them outright to Dr.Mackie through Outlook as e-mail attachments utilize the following file name convention on the attachments themselves File chassis Convention Class time_Your Last Name and First Initial_Assignment name Example 930_SmithJ_Problem Set Example 930_SmithJ_Brief_Case name Example 930_TeamName _RtM Assignment grading Blind Grading MBA-student teaching assistants do the first round of grading on many assignments. Therefore all text file in this course are blind graded. Therefore (a) Please do not submit assignments directly to the TA and (b) Place your name *only* in the file name of the attachment.